Streamlining Sales And Event Operations


BELC, Tsurugashima-shi, Saitama, Japan


Over 130 Grocery Supermarkets




  • Disorganized event and sales planning
  • Inefficient management of orders and deliveries
  • Slow approval processes causing delays
  • Increased costs and decreased productivity


  • Develop a scalable platform for efficient data processing and user experience
  • Address the need for real-time data processing and efficient data utilization


  • Created an intuitive and responsive user interface
  • Enhanced back-end for scalability and efficiency
  • Simplified user experience for quick data insights
  • Established a modern, cloud-based platform

Technologies used

  • Front end: React, HTML, SCSS, Redux
  • Server: .NET, Postgres, Excel introp?
  • Cloud: AWS, EC2, RDS, SSM
  • IDE: Visual studio, Visual studio code
  • Version control: Git
  • Project management: Jira


  • Supported thousands of users simultaneously without delays
  • Improved data processing and performance
  • Provided real-time support and enhanced user satisfaction
  • Achieved cost efficiency through optimized technology solutions

Power Of Simple Solution

SIMPLOGICS transformed BELC’s operations, ensuring streamlined and efficient management across its supermarket network.