How We Roll?

The development process of Simplogics typically involves several stages, which may vary depending on the company’s size, structure, and specific methodologies they adhere to.

Planning and Requirements Gathering:

This initial phase involves understanding the client’s requirements, business goals, target audience, and any other relevant information. This is crucial for defining the scope of the project and setting expectations.

Analysis and Design:

Once the requirements are gathered, the development team analyzes them to identify the technical aspects and constraints of the project. This includes architectural design, database design, user interface design,  UX and other technical specifications.


In this phase, the actual coding of the software takes place. Developers write code according to the specifications outlined in the design phase. This may involve multiple iterations and testing at each stage to ensure that the code meets quality standards.


Quality assurance (QA) and testing are integral parts of the development process. Testing involves checking the software for bugs, errors, and other issues to ensure that it functions as intended. This may include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).


Once the software has been thoroughly tested and approved, it is deployed to the production environment. Deployment may involve configuring servers, setting up databases, and ensuring that everything is ready for the software to go live.

Maintenance and Support:

After deployment, the software requires ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues that may arise post-launch. This includes bug fixes, performance optimization, updates, and enhancements based on user feedback or changing requirements.

Throughout these stages, communication and collaboration among team members, clients, and stakeholders are essential for the success of the project. Simplogics follow specific methodologies or frameworks, such as Agile, Scrum, or DevOps, to streamline the development process and improve efficiency. These methodologies often emphasize iterative development, continuous improvement, and close collaboration between cross-functional teams