Canada Payment Portal for ArcelorMittal Canada

ArcelorMittal Canada, a leading steel producer, faced challenges in managing vendor payments efficiently. The existing manual processes were prone to errors, delays, and inefficiencies. To address these issues, a sophisticated web application, the Canada Payment Portal, was developed to automate and streamline the vendor payment process.


ArcelorMittal Canada

Problems Faced

    Manual Payment Processes:
  • Manual processing of payments was labor-intensive and error-prone.
  • Frequent mistakes in payment allocations and delays in processing.
    Complex Approval Workflows:
  • Inefficient and cumbersome approval workflows involving Procurement, Treasury, and Taxes teams.
  • Difficulty in tracking and managing approval statuses.
    Integration Challenges:
  • Complicated integration with SAP, leading to potential data mismatches and errors.
  • Inefficient data extraction and input processes.
    Lack of Reporting and Insights:
  • Limited visibility into payment processes and lack of detailed reporting.
  • Difficulty in tracking overdue payments and managing cash flows.


To address these challenges, the Canada Payment Portal was designed to automate the entire payment process, enhance approval workflows, and integrate seamlessly with SAP. Key features of the solution include:

    Automated Payment Allocation:
  • The portal automates the allocation of payment amounts based on overdue status, due dates, and available funds.
  • Ensures accurate fund distribution in accordance with contractual agreements.
    Streamlined Approval Workflows:
  • Implements a streamlined approval process for Procurement, Treasury, and Taxes teams.
  • Reduces manual intervention and enhances the accuracy of the approval process.
    Seamless SAP Integration:
  • Extracts invoice details from SAP and feeds processed payment information back into SAP.
  • Ensures smooth and accurate data exchange between systems.
    Detailed Reporting:
  • Generates comprehensive daily and weekly reports.
  • Provides valuable insights into payment processes, overdue payments, and cash flow management.

Technologies Used

The Canada Payment Portal utilizes a combination of advanced technologies to deliver its functionality:

    Spring Boot:
  • A robust Java-based framework that provides the backend structure for the application.
  • Ensures reliability and scalability of the application.
  • A powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
  • Enhances the user experience and usability of the application.
  • A relational database management system used for efficient data storage and management.
  • Supports the application's data handling requirements.

Simplogics Way

The development of the Canada Payment Portal was driven by a proprietary algorithm developed by Simplogics. This algorithm plays a crucial role in the payment calculation process:

    Algorithm Development:
  • Simplogics designed a proprietary algorithm to calculate payment amounts based on invoice details and contract terms.
  • The algorithm ensures accurate payment allocations and optimizes fund distribution.
    Enhanced Accuracy:
  • The algorithm reduces manual errors and improves the accuracy of payment calculations.
  • Provides a reliable basis for automated payment processing.
    Seamless Integration:
  • Simplogics' approach to integration with SAP ensures smooth data exchange and minimizes the risk of data mismatches.
  • Facilitates efficient processing and execution of vendor payments.


The implementation of the Canada Payment Portal has led to significant improvements in ArcelorMittal Canada's vendor payment processes:

    Increased Efficiency:
  • Automated payment allocation and streamlined approval workflows have significantly reduced processing times.
    Enhanced Accuracy:
  • The proprietary algorithm has minimized manual errors and ensured accurate payment calculations.
    Improved Reporting:
  • Detailed daily and weekly reports provide valuable insights into payment processes and cash flow management
    Seamless Integration:
  • Integration with SAP is now smooth and accurate, ensuring efficient payment processing.

Power Of Simple Solution

The Canada Payment Portal, powered by Simplogics' proprietary algorithm and modern technologies, has transformed ArcelorMittal Canada's vendor payment process. By automating payment allocation, enhancing approval workflows, and integrating seamlessly with SAP, the portal has improved efficiency, accuracy, and reporting, leading to better management of vendor payments and financial operations.