Enhancing Multimedia Radio Experiences with ARN News App – A SIMPLOGICS Innovation

Arabian Radio Network (ARN), a leading broadcaster in the Middle East, sought to enhance its digital footprint and offer a richer multimedia experience to its listeners. The goal was to develop a mobile application that would deliver diverse audio and visual content seamlessly.


Arabian Radio Network


  • Provide a diverse range of multimedia content, including images, videos, and audio files.
  • Support multiple languages to cater to a wide audience.
  • Integrate with wearable technology for on-the-go updates.
  • Offer an intuitive user experience with easy navigation and sharing capabilities.


  • SIMPLOGICS developed a sophisticated mobile application for ARN that addresses these needs through:
  • Multimedia Content Integration: The app delivers news and updates with a mix of images, video clips from YouTube and Vimeo, audio files, and text, creating an engaging and varied listening experience.
  • Split View Controller: Features a split view controller that allows users to easily navigate through different news sections and access detailed content with minimal effort.
  • Native Sharing Functionality: Utilizes iOS’s native sharing options to enable users to share content via various social media platforms and communication channels.
  • Multilingual Support: The app supports both English and Arabic, ensuring accessibility for a diverse audience in the Middle East.
  • Apple Watch Integration: Includes support for Apple Watch, allowing users to receive updates and access content conveniently from their wrist.


  • Enhanced User Engagement: The integration of multimedia content and user-friendly navigation has significantly improved user interaction and satisfaction.
  • Increased Accessibility: Multilingual support and seamless sharing options have broadened the app’s reach and engagement.
  • Convenient Updates: Apple Watch integration ensures users stay connected and informed, even when on the move.

Power of Simple Solution

The ARN News App, developed by SIMPLOGICS, has successfully transformed how Arabian Radio Network delivers multimedia content to its audience. By incorporating advanced features and focusing on user experience, SIMPLOGICS has helped ARN enhance its digital presence and offer a more engaging radio experience.